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Chinesische Heilkräuter, Vitex, Fr.

Vitex rotundifolia, Fr. (Agnus castus) – Man Jing Zi – Mönchspfeffer

vitex, Fr.-energiedynamik

Vitex rotundifolia, Fr. (Agnus castus) – Man Jing Zi – Mönchspfeffer

Dosis: 6-12 g/Tag
Die Studien belegen eine sehr starke Wirkung auf den Sexualhormonhaushalt. Östrogene und Progesteron werden angeregt, Testosteron und Prolaktin gebremst.
Gleichzeitig wird Dopamin angeregt mit der Folge einer allgemeinen Nervenberuhigung. Auch eine analgetische Wirkung ist belegt.

  1.     Polycystisches ovarielles Syndrom

Herbal medicine for the management of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and associated oligo/amenorrhoea and hyperandrogenism

There was evidence for the regulation of ovulation, improved metabolic hormone profile and improved fertility outcomes in PCOS. There was evidence for an equivalent effect of two herbal medicines and the pharmaceutical agents bromocriptine (and Vitex agnus-castus) and clomiphene citrate (and Cimicifuga racemosa).

  1.    Knochenbruch

Effects of „vitex agnus castus“ extract and magnesium supplementation, alone and in combination, on osteogenic and angiogenic factors and fracture healing in women with long bone fracture

However, treatment with VAC + Mg significantly enhanced the osteocalcin level. Our results suggest that administration of vitex agnus castus plus magnesium may promote fracture healing.

  1.    Prämenstruelles Syndrom

VAC extract improved PMS symptoms in Japanese patients, with no substantial adverse events.

Vitex agnus can be considered as an effective and well tolerated treatment for the relief of symptoms of mild and moderate PMS

  1.    Prämenstruelle Migräne

Use of Vitex agnus-castus in migrainous women with premenstrual syndrome: an open-label clinical observation

Concerning migraine, 42 % of patients experienced a reduction higher than 50 % in frequency of monthly attacks, and 57 % of patients experienced a reduction higher than 50 % in monthly days with headache. No patients reported remarkable side effects. Pending a placebo-controlled trial to confirm our results, we observed that the use of VAC in migrainous women affected by PMS resulted to be safe and well tolerated, and may positively influence the frequency and duration of migraine attacks.


  1.   Entzündungen

The compound showed low urease- (32.0%) and chymotrypsin- (31.4%) inhibitory activity, and moderate (41.3%) anti-inflammatory activity.

Compounds 6, 7 and 10 were found to have significant antiinflammatory activity in a cell-based contemporary assay, whereas compounds 1 and 2 exhibited a potent lipoxygenase inhibition

  1.    Osteoporose

Vitex agnus castus as prophylaxis for osteopenia after orchidectomy in rats compared with estradiol and testosterone supplementation

Vitex agnus castus demonstrated osteoprotective effects in males. It preserves the cortical as well as the trabecular bone and might be a safe alternative for HRT. Testosterone supplementation has positive effects on trabecular bone, which are concurrently counteracted by the loss of cortical bone.

  1.    Brustspannung

Can Vitex Agnus Castus be Used for the Treatment of Mastalgia? What is the Current Evidence

It is concluded that A. castus can be considered as an efficient alternative phytotherapeutic agent in the treatment of mastalgia.

  1.   Krämpfe

The antiepileptic activity of Vitex agnus castus extract on amygdala kindled seizures in male rats

These results indicate that Vitex can reduce or prevent epileptic activity as demonstrated by reduction of ADD and S5D (length of convulsion) in a dose dependent manner. In conclusion, Vitex at appropriate dose can probably reduce or control epileptic activities.





Ein Vergleich des Wirkspektrums von Vitex, wie er sich durch die Analyse wissenschaftlicher Studien ergibt, und Benskys TCM-Pharmakopoe ergibt grosse Unterschiede:

Vitex erscheint laut TCM-Quellen allein als Mittel bei hitzigen Infektionskrankheiten, während die Studien die Wirkung auf die Sexualhormone in den Vordergrund stellen.
Das mag daran liegen, daß trotz gleichen botanischen Namens die chinesische Variante über keine so ausgeprägte Hormonwirkung verfügt.

Die 5-Elementeanalyse bildet die Energiedynamik von Vitex wie folgt ab:

Blau bedeutet :  TCM-Quellen
Grün bedeutet:  TCM-Quellen und Studien
Schwarz :            Studien
Rot:                      Studien Hauptwirkung

Zum Verständnis der Abkürzungen des Schaubildes siehe

Struktur – und Wandlungsmodell der chinesischen Medizin





  1. Pingback: Vitex rotundifolia, Fr. (Agnus castus) – Man Jing Zi – Mönchspfeffer | Auf dem Dao-Weg - 28. Februar 2018

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